
Subimal Bhattacharjee

Mr Subimal Bhattacharjee currently is an independent adviser, consultant on cyber security, defense and high end technology policy issues based out of New Delhi. His forays into writing and film making are also established and he is a regular columnist and television panelist on contemporary technology and security issues.

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He has experience from the corporate world working for reputed organisations including being the country head India for one of the
largest defence corporations General Dynamics.


Mr. SubimalBhattacharjee is an active columnist and writes on Northeast India, Defence, cyber and security related issues on regular basis.

Cyber Security Consultant.

SubimalBhattarcharjee keeps a keen interest on the cyber security related matters; he is an active person on discussing issues related to cyber security problems as well as advantages.

Defence Consultant.

SubimalBhattarcherjee also looks into the defence related activities covering a wide range of the three arm forces along with the security dealing with homeland and many others.


SubimalBhattarcharjeehas been constantly participating as a panellist in various news channels on issues specially based on Northeast India, cyber-crimes and defence securities.

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He has been a speaker at all the top think tanks of the world.


Against Pay-And-Publish

Why Why UG UGC needs C needs to take s to take strict action against pay-and-publis trict action against pay-and-publishh journals.

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The NRC Impact

Indian academia from the menace of dubious publications and promote an environment of quality research in the country.

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Against Pay-And-Publishd

Why Why UG UGC needs C needs to take s to take strict action against pay-and-publis trict action against pay-and-publishh journals.

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Science And Technology

On June 14, 2019, the University Grants Commission (UGC), which is the regulatory body of higher education in India, released a public notice on ‘academic integrity’

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