On 25 August, Pavel Durov, the CEO of popular messaging app Telegram, was arrested by the French police after his private jet landed at Le Bourget Airport in Paris. He has been accused of failing to take steps to curb criminal uses of the app which he founded in 2013, including drug trafficking, child sexual content, and fraud.
Telegram has been accused of failing to cooperate with law enforcement and has previously denied having insufficient moderation. It remains defiant in the face of these allegations. The company has vehemently rejected all claims, dismissing them as "absurd" and asserting that Durov is fully transparent.
In a recent public statement, Telegram reaffirmed its adherence to European Union (EU) regulations, including the Digital Services Act, and emphasised that its content moderation approach aligns with industry norms.
Link: https://www.thequint.com/opinion/telegram-ceo-pavel-durov-arrest-france-complex-challenges-tech-companies-face-today
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